Everyone afraid of shifting because in shifting you have to pack all belonging of your house and move to a totally new place, for you it is not as an easy task because during shifting you have to face many problems. It is perhaps not too attractive to shift to a new house. But if you shift from one place to another then packingmoving, unpacking, arranging all process are necessary.
Some people move with very small luggage with them but sometime a single person carries too much luggage with him to move. E.g. sometime people move with their clothes and left remaining things in old house because they have no attachment with old house or old things they want to set their new place with new things. For many people moving is not a pleasant experience.
Here we explain some tip to make moving process pleasant, by follow these tips you can make your moving and packing more comfortable.

When you plan to shift your house you immediately start packing without wasting time. Because packing and moving is not an easy task as many people think. If you start packing before moving then you can escape of many tensions as you will be face in future.
First you confirm your new house location, when you fully confirm new house immediately start packing without wasting time. Because to find a good location for living is difficult, you cant find that place again so book that house and start packing. For packing purpose you first need big boxes to pack your belonging which is not in regular use. Collect as much boxes as you can because you need maximum boxes for packing.

For packing you remove your old and idle things from your cupboards. Because in every house you can’t be get enough places to store all those things. You can give those things;
  • To your friends/younger sister, brother
  • Sale them on online websites
  • Donate them for poor people
Extra things such as;
  • Old Clothes or those clothes that is not use by you
  • Event decoration things which you use in a year
  • Old Text books
  • Your small clothes
  • Old toys
  • Your broken things
You can donate all these things when you move to a new place to reduce your luggage.


You must organize the things in a proper manner. Organization is very important. You can get idea of organization from different sources.
  • Keep same things in one box
  • Keep all things of one bedroom together so that you can set bedroom easily in new house
  • Start from drawing room or guest room which is not too use by on daily basis
  • At the end pack bedrooms and kitchen items that are used by daily basis
  • You should mention the things on each box to avoid difficulty
And the most beneficial tip is making a box of things which you want to use on very first day at new house. In this box you put every necessary thing including clothes. Keep this box separate from other boxes. By following these tips you can easily move from one place to another without facing any difficulty.
